
Progressive Domain Adaptation for Object Detection

Author: Chun-Han Yao, Han-Kai Hsu, Hung-Yu Tseng, Maneesh Singh, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Wei-Chih Hung, Yi-Hsuan Tsai Link: Publishing/Release Date: Oct 24, 2019 Status: Finished

Motivation and basic approach


Note: Conventional domain adaptation problem : From source to target.

New approach : intermediate synthetic domain that allows us to gradually solve separate sub-tasks with smaller gaps (shown as L: S→F and L : F→T). In addition, we treat each image in the synthetic domain unequally based on its quality with respect to the target domain, where the size of the yellow triangles stand for their weights (i.e., the closer to target, the higher of the weight).

1) we introduce an intermediate domain in the proposed adaptation framework to achieve progressive feature alignment for object detection

2) we develop a weighted task loss during domain alignment based on the importance of the samples in the intermediate domain.

3) we conduct extensive adaptation experiments under various object detection scenarios and achieve state-of-the-art performance.

Previous Work on object detection


GRL ( Gradient reversal layer )

For training the feature extractor in order to maximize the classification loss of domain predictor, Gradient Reversal layer was place between Feature extractor and domain classifier.

The Gradient Reversal Layer basically acts as an identity function (outputs is same as input) during forward propagation but during back propagation it multiplies its input by -1. — Leads to Gradient ascent.

CycleGAN -


Some results by using CycleGAN:


Progressive Domain Adaptation

Adaptation in the Feature Space

To align distributions in the feature space, we propose a deep model which consists of two components; a detection network and a discriminator network for feature alignment via adversarial learning.


Intermediate Domain

Adaptation Process

Weighted Supervision


I - synthetic target image, p(T) - probability of being in target


The final weighted loss function -



Implementation details



We show a baseline Faster R-CNN result trained on the source data without applying domain adaptation, and a supervised model trained fully on the target domain data (oracle) to illustrate the existing gap between domains.

Cross camera adaptation


Weather Adaptation


Adaptation from small to larger dataset


The result -



To improve precision, could we use a image translation network to generate multiple domains and use a multi-domain discriminator to adapt all domains simultaneously [ Kim et al. ] , and add to this a weighted loss function that considers the distance between the synthetic and target domain?